Morocco time

vendredi 30 mai 2008


Setti Fatma is one of the most visited Morocco tourist attractions, and is a must visit place on any outing in the Ourika Valley

The place consists of a small village, mountains trails, beautiful waterfalls

6 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Parabéns pelo excelente Blog. Passe lá no Blog do Clausewitz e conheça um pouco mais do Brasil. Abração

alami a dit…

thanks for comment

متمردة .. Rebellious a dit…

thanks for all information posted here.

I'm interested in knowing more about Morroco.

متمردة ،، Rebellious

alami a dit…

thank you Miss متمردة ،، Rebellious
for your comment.

Siladitya Banerjee a dit…

Morocco is a nice place.I want to go there.
BPO work from home

alami a dit…

thank you very much for all your the comment .
you are Welcome to Morocco